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Key figures 2022 / 2021

Summary (in thousands CHF)
31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Balance sheet total TCHF 2’072’888 TCHF 2’437’206
Fluctuation reserves TCHF 86’448 TCHF 191’119
Performance (consolidated) -14.34% 2.78%
Performance affiliated pension funds active members -11.09% 8.86%
Performance affiliated pension funds pensioners -18.01% -2.99%
Statutory Interest rate 1.0% - 3.0% 4.25% - 10.0%
LOB Minimum interest rate 1.00% 1.00%
Actuarial tables BVG 2015 generations BVG 2015 generations
Actuarial interest affilated pension funds active members 0.00% - 2.53% 0.00% - 0.90%
Actuarial interest affilated pension funds pensioners 1.54% -0.10%
Coverage ratio (consolidated) 104.40% 109.50%
Coverage ratio affilated pension funds 101.3% - 113.4% 113.7% - 122.2%
Deckungsgrad Vorsorgewerk Rentner 101.10% 103.5%
Pension fund capital – active members TCHF 959’531 TCHF 935’378
Pension fund capital – pensioners TCHF 977’398 TCHF 1’202’840
Actuarial provisions TCHF 25’837 TCHF 74’124
Statutory contributions TCHF 80’370 TCHF 77’336
Number of active members 4’045 3’947
Number of pension beneficiarires 2’067 2’014
Total payments of pensions TCHF 59’277 TCHF 58’280
Total payments of lumb-sums benefits TCHF 19’382 TCHF 22’615